smesThe report provides an in-depth analysis and comparison of different Geo-ICT companies in Europe and how they relate to INSPIRE.
The short version of the smeSpire’s “study of Geo-ICT” is now available in the following languages:

flag_mt  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Italian

flag_mt  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Maltese

bg  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Bulgarian

flagIcon_czech  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Czech

flag_german  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Deutsch

es  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Spanish

flag-greece  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Greek

flag_lt  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Lithuanian

sk  Study on the Geo-ICT sector in Europe – Slovak

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