HUNAGI embléma világos alapraAs a dissemination action by the Hungarian Association for Geo-information (NGO partner in the smeSpire project), secretary-general Dr. Gabor Remetey-Fülöpp of HUNAGI delivered a lecture entitled “The role of National GI Association HUNAGI and other NGOs in the INSPIRE context” at the MSc course for Regional Environmental Management on March 31, 2014.

Upon request of Prof. Dr. István Tózsa, Head of Department of Economic Geography and Futures Studies at the Faculty of Business Administration of the Corvinus University of Budapest, the presentation referred to the impact and effectiveness of the GIS industry. By the courtesy of project manager Giacomo Martirano, even the recent smeSpire study on the “GeoICT sector in Europe” (coordinated by JRC and KU LEUVEN) was linked as recommended readings and widely disseminated on the HUNAGI Newsblog.

The host Department has recently published a volume on the methodological integration of economic foresights and geographical analyses resulting spatial economic information of the expected situation of Hungarian economic branches shown both in regional and timely aspects at the same time. This is a new approach giving GIS new possibilities and the title of the volume in Hungarian is “Futures Geography”.