CHALLENGEThe SmeSpire Consortium in collaboration with SUNSHINE, i-Scope, C-Space and eENVplus projects is proud to announce the final winners of the first edition of the smeSpire Challenge.

After a long evaluation made by key experts in the fields of INSPIRE Directive and GIS sector, the most remarkable works deserving the first prize for the two available tracks are:

Track 1 – Best Practices for INSPIRE: 

GetLOD – Linked Open Data and Spatial Data Infrastructures by

  • Massimo Zotti (Planetek)
  • Piergiorgio Cipriano (Sinergis)

Track 2 – Open source software for INSPIRE:

HALE – An interactive tool for mapping custom schemata into INSPIRE by

  • Christian Malewski (data harmonisation panel / Fraunhofer IGD)
  • Simon Templer (Fraunhofer IGD)
  • Thorsten Reitz (data harmonisation panel)
  • Tomas Mildorf (University of West Bohemia)

The award ceremony will take place in Aalborg Denmark 16-20 June 2014 at the 8th INSPIRE Conference, a unique opportunity to meet the key players in the field of INSPIRE directive. The conference will also host the smeSpire Workshop on Tuesday the 17thwhich will be the place where the submitted works will be presented to the community. The event is open to all the interested conference attendees.

More information.