As an opening session of the first Czech and Slovak two day International INSPIRE Conference, there has been a smeSpire project workshop on 27th of November jointly organized by CENIA, Czech Environmental Information Agency and SAZP, Slovak Environmental Agency. SMEs and other participants from both countries, in total more than forty participants, have been informed about the smeSpire project, its activities, methods and goals. Within the 90 minutes workshop also the project website was introduced and SME participants were encouraged to register on the website if they have not already done so.

The great deal of the workshop time was dedicated to the introduction of smeSpire survey that will help to map and understand the INSPIRE dealing bodies and their level of knowledge and involvement. Participating SMEs were also informed, that thorough interviews are foreseen with them in order to get as much practical information as possible for the smeSpire project activities in mapping the GeoIT and ITC SME scene. At the end of the workshop there has been a lively discussion with the participants, where the organizers from CENIA and SAZP explained project activities and other questions raised by the public.

On the second conference day, a smeSpire project presentation was held by SAZP at the main afternoon block to inform also the broader INSPIRE community coming from both countries about the project and its main goals.